Friday, July 27, 2012

Because - Beatles Tribute Band

Yet another night danced away at the Commons!  Brian is away so the girls an I braved the chilly (65F, gusty, and foggy) weather to enjoy the Beatles tribute band Because.  Holy mashing guacamole was it fun.

First the band.  They did 3 sets, representing the 3 main eras of the Beatles. They also sang and spoke with spot-on accents.  It's all in the details, baby!

The early, screaming-girl, bowl-cut phase:

Stg. Peppers:

Abby Road:

We really gotta buy some Beatles albums.  My voice is hoarse from singing along the entire time.  It was so cool to see so many people totally rocking out to the music too - just about every one there were singing, moving, and participating in the music.  A great show!

Of course there were all the other treats.  Popcorn, a cookie, some gummy snacks, a quick trip to the ice cream stand...

Just about the best though was Robin's reaction to the second set change, the Sgt. Pepper Phase. She laughed until she was red in the face, for nearly an entire song. 

The girls were pretty pooped from all our recent adventures but they were really energized by the music.  Hopefully that means they'll sleep in this morning!!!

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