Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Robin June, 8 months!

OK, so really her 8 month post should have gone up last week and this should be her 36 week post (look for that tomorrow) but we were traveling the past two weeks so I'm playing catch-up here.

This has been a really busy month for our little one.  She grew two teeth.  She's scooting everywhere, can roll like it's nothing, and can pull herself to standing.  She loves to stand and we have to coerce her to sit at times.  She's just a hair shy of crawling.  It's fascinating to watch understanding light her face when she's on her hands and knees... she knows if she can just get that last bit of coordination together, she'll be off and running!

She's babbling and chatters all the time.  Sometimes it does sound like words, like her responses to my questions are spot on. And sometimes she just likes to get into screaming contests with her sister, which, as hard as it is on the ears, it's a pleasure to see them positively interacting and cracking each other up.  But then there's the opposite of that where Robin wants whatever Erin is playing with and vice versa.  Ahhhh sisters!

She's having fun with solids and so far she prefers flavored things.  No avocado for this one, it's guacamole.  Hummus.  Stew. Garlic green beans.  Stir fry tofu with sauce. Butternut squash with sage brown butter.  I can only hope her adventurous culinary nature lasts through the white pasta world of toddlerhood. 

She is a smily, giggly, happy baby.  She's learned to wave "hello" and "goodbye" and gregariously shows her skills to all passersby.  She can sign "more" and can clap.  She's so familiar with "if you're happy and you know it..." she squeals and claps at the right cues. 

In short, it's been a busy, busy month. Brian and I look at her baby body and see the little girl trying to emerge.

8 month stats: 
Weight: 19 lbs, 6 oz (75%)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (75%)
Head circumference: 46 cm (97%)

*Picture credits: Christie Glynn.  Many thanks!!!


Dr. Powell said...

Adorable! GO ROBIN!
She'll be caught up with her big sister within 6 months, at this rate!

Sharon and Matt said...

Yeah Robin! We CAN'T wait to see you in action in a few short weeks.
P.S Love the tattoo :)

Nicole, Billy, Timothy and Lyla said...

She is so incredibly precious! <3