Dear Erin,
You were a very lucky girl when you were born. All your grandparents and two full sets of great-grandparents were here to welcome you. This picture is of you and your great-Grandpa Miller; your mom called him Gramps.
Gramps loved hot dogs and Sees candy. He fought in WWII and was very proud of it. He married his sweetheart and loved her his whole life. They were always holding hands, and would always touch each other tenderly.
He would pick your mom up sometimes from school when she was little and drive her home, always asking how her day was. He was good at listening to her little-girl issues and giving advice. He told great jokes. He had elaborate model train sets and spent a great deal of time smoking his pipe and setting them up. They were fun to watch. He enjoyed a cold glass of Coca-Cola.
You mom bought her first car from Gramps. Six months later she found a small cheesecloth bag of old tobacco under the drivers seat. Gramps explained this is used to clean windows so they fog up less. He had lots of tricks like that.
Gramps and your Grandpa had the same name: Arthur Joseph Miller. This made it amusing sometimes when Gramps' old army buddies would call up and leave cryptic messages, "Is this the home of the 300 lb canary?". Your mom proudly has the same initials, AJM.
You won't remember it but you got to meet him when you were 2 1/2 months old, and again when you were 6 months old. He loved meeting you. You were his first great-grandchild. Your mom is very, very happy you got to meet him before he left this world.
Love, Mom