This Saturday was a baby shower for Big Baby Bleckmann. Erin took the opportunity to dress up. She likes looking lovely. Luckily it didn't take very long to do her hair.
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Pink is definitely her color!!!
our Big Dutch Baby just kicked when I checked out this photo--I think she's saying she wants to raid E's closet!
What a sweetheart! She looks simply lovely.
So cute!! Enjoy dressing her while you can. You may end up with a child who has her own keen fashion sense and wants to wear red cowboy boots with a leotard and white princess dress and gray sweatpants all at the same time. Or maybe that's just my 4 year old. I try to be proud of her individualistic nature, but I do mourn all the adorable clothes in her closet that she refuses to wear for the reason d'jour.
how long did it take to do her make-up, and where do I sign up for that complexion?!
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