Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kitchen optional

Fair weather returned to Portland this weekend, and what do we do when that happens?  Stretch our webbed feet towards the sun and barbeque!  Plus it was a triple birthday bash.  A good time was had by all. 

20 burgers
10 sausages
3 ice cream cakes
3 homemade leis

5 babies
6 kiddos
1 bloody nose

Some select images:


Christie said...

I really enjoyed how stark the blood shooting out of Henry's nose looked against his white onesie and my white tee-shirt. OH MY GOD.

Thank you very much for having us. Those sausages were TASTY! Happy birthday to all!

Dr. A said...

It was quite impressive. I was amazed at the calm aplomb you two showed at the gushing blood coming from your son's nose. Maybe that was just on the outside.

Amber said...

Henry had the bloody nose? What happened???

Did he and Erin have a little tiff? :)