Monday, September 8, 2008


 I  believe, in lieu of creationism or evolution, Creavolution should be taught in schools.  What's Creavolution, you might ask.  It's the real way science works.  I can tell you from my experience these last three weeks science is not just a matter of hypothesis-test-conclusion like we were taught in school.  Science additionally involves a belief in a mystical unnamed power controlling this universe. I know this is true because for some reason, some unexplained reason, a well-planned experiment working many, many times before, when performed for publication purposes will not work.  And it will continue not to work until the toll exacted by the unnamed forces controlling such things is paid - whether it be sweat, reagents, tears, goose-eggs from banging the head on the bench.....

... sigh.....

Maybe I should become a trash collector instead. 


Abcdpdx said...

I know is that I brag ALL the time about "my friend Ashleigh--the one who's getting her Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics."

Darren said...

I saw "mystical unnamed power controlling this universe" but I read "Federal Grants Process"

John Judy said...

Remind me of my technical support days...

"It was working, but now it isn't"
"What changed?"
"sigh..... of course not".

Seriously, if you just stopped meddling in god's domain you wouldn't have this problem.

Christie said...

I do the brag thing as well.

"My one friend, who's curing diseases..."

amycs said...

Maybe you should publish a paper on Creavolutionism? Be sure to take a photo of the goose egg to include in the pub.

On the other hand, maybe you should be a writer for John Stewart or Colbert. I think they would love a piece on Creavolutionism.