Friday, September 19, 2008

Alcohol aversion

B: Hmm, not many comments on the post with the picture of Erin holding the beer can.

A: Yeah, people generally don't like seeing babies with alcohol. 


John Judy said...

Yeah, because EVERYBODY knows babies always take all the beer and just leave the stupid wine coolers, so by the time you get to the party there's nothing to drink but Bartles and James and all the babies are drunk and ready to fight!

Dr. A said...

John, you're onto something.... you should see the shiner Erin came home with yesterday. Supposedly it was yet another lesson in gravity, but now I'm starting to wonder. . .

Abcdpdx said...

actually, I was silent because I am SO OVER PBR. and Miller High Life. I respect your right to drink these beers, but my nose went reflexively in the air was I cracked open a microbrew for MY baby.

Darren said...

We're so used to babies being the result of drinking, that the brain refuses to process.

amycs said...

I agree with zozo. PBR doesn't count as beer and I'm dubious of its alcohol content. Next time give her Mike's Hard Lemonade as a prop like that dad at that baseball game earlier this year.

Kathleen said...

in Seattle that bar was selling PBR pints for $1. I had to force myself to finish and then I switched to Corona. Life is too short. :)