Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sage Advice

After what seemed like Erin's twentieth feeding of the day, after which she was still not sated, I busted out my first gem o' wisdom in her young life.

"Sweetie, there's no more boob for you. No more boob! Life is not a series of boobs, Erin!"

Get ready, Erin, poppa's got tons of these little nuggets of wisdom ready to drop!


Christie said...

A spin on Seinfeld's soup Nazi -

"No boob for you!"

Amy Keenan Amago said...

Unless, of course, you are one of our most beloved of Armenian UCSD alums. Then yes, life is a series of boobs.

Amy Keenan Amago said...

Unless, of course, you are one of our most beloved of Armenian UCSD alums. Then yes, life is a series of boobs.

amycs said...

Hasn't life been a series of boobs for Pamela Anderson Lee?