Friday, March 29, 2013

Play invitation: Fuzz Balls and Chopsticks

Super easy set-up, super fun results.  A pack of 80 colored pompoms, a few implements (tiny spoons, kid chopsticks....), and 6-cup muffin tins.  One instruction: sort. 

They had a lot of fun with it, using different tools and different sorting methods.  The only sticking point is (a) Erin only ended up with 1 purple pompom and (b) I could only find one of the "kid" chopsticks.  I pulled out some regular chopsticks and told the kids that the young 2 class in Robin's preschool did this activity with regular chopsticks, hoping to inspire them to at least try. To no avail.  Nonetheless they had fun. And easy setup/cleanup means it was an all-around win.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Noted and filed away for a future rainy day.