Sunday, August 31, 2008

Right on schedule

Two developmental advancements in the life of Ms. Erin, in picture and movie form.

1. Instead of immediately tasting every object grabbed, she often passes it to the nearest person for inspection.  Half the time she pulls it back, laughing. 

2. Standing, unassisted, for up to 10 seconds at a time.  When she realizes it she either sits or grabs onto something, but if she's nicely distracted it's a piece of cake.  Walking cannot be far behind. 


Christie said...

Congratulations, Miss E.B.! Standing is surely a sign that you will be walking soon.

On a side note, Green Frog Toys has a superb walking wagon (called a Toddler Wobbler).

plumpy said...

It's confusingly fascinating to watch a person you've never met grow up. Thanks for letting me eavesdrop!

Carol said...

Love the movie. You can just see how delighted she is to be upright and moving about!! Go Erin!!