Monday, March 31, 2008

Bad milk or bad bottle?

***Caution: This post contains graphic information about exchange of bodily fluids***

Brian fed Erin a bottle this weekend, she was rejecting it.  Wondering what could be the cause, the ever-vigilant dad took a swig.
B: Uuuuggghhh!  Ash, how old is this milk?  
A: I just pumped it this morning.

Apparently heating the bottle gave the milk a very chemical-y, metalic taste. So, to be sure he didn't have defective taste buds, Brian requested a second opinion.  But who should one turn to at a time like this?

"Uh, Dave?" asked a sheepish Brian on the phone. "Can you come over here and taste Ash's milk?"
And so the tasting began.
They cautiously sipped a modest amount of the offending milk left in a bottle.  Then they tasted a bit freshly pumped.  Yes, there was an off-taste in the first milk tasted.  Yes, we give these heated bottles 4x/day to our little girl at daycare. 

What we've learned in the intervening hours between the taste-test and this post is that clear, shatter-proof bottles such as the ones on the left leach a substance BPA into food after repeated use of the bottle.  BPA mimics estrogen and has been linked to, among other things, changes to the genital tract, early onset of puberty, insulin resistance, and cancer.  The bottle type on the right is a different plastic that does not leach BPA.  Needless to say, we are changing bottles.  Also, Dave B. is a very, very good friend.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Part II

The Millers came for a visit over Spring Break. There was a trip to the zoo. Millers liked the orangutans. Erin liked the people. She's existential like that.
Grammy Marilyn brought several hats she made for Erin. She made several more while she was here. Grammy is very industrious and crafty. It was a good thing Erin's head was warm because it snowed two days during the visit. (Grammy also ended up with a cold. Erin sure knows how to pass along germs!)

Erin had a great time showing Grandpa Art her new favorite toy.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


The Easter Bunny came last weekend to Casa de McMiller.
There was ham....

.... and some very happy Grandparents (even though Grandma Carol ended up with a cold)....

... and a wary Aunt and Uncle.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

That's right, folks.  We must now watch carefully else she move into non-baby friendly territory. The parenting begins. 


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Central Bottom Incisors

There you have it, folks. Look closely and you can see the cause of much recent discomfort for our little lady - two little white slivers of teeth poking through.

Oh, and documentation of her nightly indignation at being put into pajamas. No, seriously. She wails every night about the PJ thing. It's cute because it's predictable.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fast Times at SE Stephens!

A busy weekend for our little lass.  Some highlights:

+ Turning 5 months old.
+ Engaging in extended playtime with M. Henry dressed solely in their skivvies - amusing for parents and children alike.  The event was punctuated with good wine, food, and expert documentation. 
+ Cutting her first tooth (handled with much drool and aplomb.) The second is close behind.
+ Morning playtime with M. Alex and Mme. Lucy (not pictured) while Mom and Dad ran a race. 
+ A first kiss (She digs older men too, apparently!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Swedes Must Have Very Good Aim


Brian, a man with full bladder.
Erin, a baby whose long-term memory will thankfully not develop for quite a while. At least that's what I'm hoping.

Setting: A bathroom. Evening. Preparing for a walk. Erin strapped into the BabyBjörn ("Björninated", in McMiler-speak).

Act I, Scene I
Enter Brian. He stands in front of the toilet and begins to pee, only then realizing that that a red-haired baby is blocking his view.

"Uh, E., can you... uh... can you take a look for me? Am I getting anywhere near the bowl?"

(amused silence)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Mmm! I loves me some cereal!"

The pediatrician said her first food should be rice cereal.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chestnut Experiment

Orange chestnut truffles.
Made with the strange chestnut paste from Italy. Quite simple to make. Almost too simple. This experiment may necessitate replication.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


And so she can remain for several seconds before a slow-motion face plant.  The world has gotten exponentially more exciting for Lil' E. 

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Welcome, AGB

McMiller PDX would like to take a moment to welcome Anneke Grace to the world. We are so happy you are here.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm a big person now!

Says Erin: "Oh Boy! I'm in my fancy Swedish high chair, sitting at the big person's table. I'm a big girl now."
"Now if I can only figure out how this thing works...."

Saturday, March 1, 2008

"I'm not fat, I'm just well covered!"

Drying off Erin tonight after her bath, trying to find all the places where water hides:

Ms. A to Erin: "Sweetie, you've got folds within folds!"