Today Robin is 40 weeks old. This is the "standard" time it takes to grow a baby from one diploid cell to a breathing person. So, it was only fitting that we celebrate by another trip to the hospital.
Robin has always been a snorty, snoring baby. She snores louder than anyone else in the family, and often will pause in her breathing during sleep only to cry. She does this every 40 minutes to an hour. All night. Nearly every night. Often, I have her sleep on my chest, with me propped in an upright position. Many nights, Brian will take her in the early morning hours in the Ergo so I can get some sleep. I know babies sleep, well, like babies, but we thought this was a bit extreme. A quick trip to the
ENT confirmed our suspicions: the kid has enlarged
adenoids. Well, really I should say "had" because this morning the nice doctor took them out. As she was coming out of her sleepy anesthesia, we immediately noticed her little snorty breathing sound now sounds clear. We're hoping to all get much more sleep. And Brian is looking forward to resuming his title as "loudest snorer in the house".
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